Perspective of Soy Formula and Fiber intake among Non-Cow’s Milk Drinker Pediatric Patients; A Survey among Indonesian Health Care Practitioners

  • Ray Wagiu Basrowi 1. Danone Specialised Nutrition Indonesia 2. Universitas Indonesia
  • Erika Wasito Danone Specialised Nutrition Indonesia
  • Tonny Sundjaya Danone Specialised Nutrition Indonesia
Keywords: Soy Formula, Fiber, Paediatric,


Indonesia is one of the highest countries for soy-based product consumption, which the usage also started from early age as breastmilk substitute product, although local regulation and guideline stated that soy-based formula recommended for cow’s milk protein allergy. However, evidences showed that soy-based formula supplemented with fiber in non-cow’s milk drinker could also have health effect to gastrointestinal system. This online survey aimed to explore the perspective of health care practitioners (HCPs) in recommending soy-based formula for non-cow’s milk drinker pediatric patients, as well as identify the required additional ingredient or supplementation, specifically on fiber, in soy-based formula. Majority of respondents (97% of paediatricians (P < 0.001)), (96% of nurses  (P = 0.003)), (99% of midwives (P < 0.001)) recommended soy-based formula as nutritional product toward non-cow’s milk drinker patients. On the added ingredients required, 43% of respondents mentioned that AA and DHA and 31% mentioned that fibre is the ingredient that need to be added to complete the benefits of soy formula. This study concluded that the overall perspective of HCPs showed that soy-based formula is a nutritional product recommended for non-cow’s milk pediatric patients. However, fiber is required to be added to achieve the potential benefits of soy-based formula.


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Author Biography

Ray Wagiu Basrowi, 1. Danone Specialised Nutrition Indonesia 2. Universitas Indonesia
Division of Occupational Medicine Magister, Department of Community Medicine


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