Association between consumption of ultra-processed foods and beverages with nutritional status of private senior high school students in Pontianak, West Kalimantan, Indonesia
adolescent students, nutritional status, socio-demographic factors, sugar-sweetened beverages, ultra-processed foods
Background: Many low- and middle-income countries are now facing the “double burden” of malnutrition, one of them is overweight/obesity. Over 340 million children and adolescents were overweight and obesity in 2016. Obesity among adolescents may increase, in part due to changes in the food system, which now offers a wide range of ultra-processed foods (UPF) that minimize preparation time. Indonesia has also a large and rapidly growing market for unhealthy drinks, which are sold in various places including schools and hospitals. Objective: This study aimed to investigate the association of UPF and beverages consumption and other related factors with nutritional status of senior high school students in Pontianak, West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Methods: This cross-sectional study conducted in Pontianak investigated the association between UPF consumption and nutritional status of SHS students. Data collection was conducted at Imanuel and Petrus SHS Pontianak in June 2023, involving 273 students from grades 10th and 11th. Weight and height measurement was obtained for calculating the BMI for age Z-scores, while UPF and beverages consumption was obtained by FFQ. Structured questionnaire, 24-hours recall, and IPAQ-S were used for assessing sociodemographic status, Total Energy Intake and Physical Activity Level. Data analysis used SPSS version 26. Results: The result found 40.3% of students were overweight-obesity; 51.6% consumed excessive UPF and beverages. It showed an inverse association between UPF consumption and nutritional status. The study identifies UPF and beverages consumption, gender, mother's education level, and family income as factors associated with nutritional status among adolescents. Conclusion: The consumption of ultra-processed Foods was high, with the highest UPF intake came from snacks and sweets (22.4%). There was inverse association between UPF and beverages consumption with nutritional status. There was also significant association between UPF and beverages, gender, mother education level and family income with nutritional status.Downloads
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1. World Health Organization. (2021, June 9). Overweight and Obesity. July 15, 2022. https://Www.Who.Int/News-Room/Fact-Sheets/Detail/Obesity-and-Overweight.
2. Faisal-Cury, A., Leite, M. A., Escuder, M. M. L., Levy, R. B., & Peres, M. F. T. (2022). The relationship between ultra-processed food consumption and internalising symptoms among adolescents from São Paulo city, Southeast Brazil. Public Health Nutrition, 25(9), 2498–2506.
3. Monteiro, C. A., Cannon, G., Levy, R. B., Moubarac, J. C., Louzada, M. L. C., Rauber, F., Khandpur, N., Cediel, G., Neri, D., Martinez-Steele, E., Baraldi, L. G., & Jaime, P. C. (2019). Ultra-processed foods: What they are and how to identify them. In Public Health Nutrition (Vol. 22, Issue 5, pp. 936–941). Cambridge University Press.
4. Enes, C. C., de Camargo, C. M., & Justino, M. I. C. (2019). Ultra-processed food consumption and obesity in adolescents. Revista de Nutricao, 32.
5. UNICEF INDONESIA. (2019). Analisis Lanskap Kelebihan Berat Badan dan Obesitas di Indonesia.
6. Relmbuss Biljers Fanda Agus Salim Tri Muhartini Kurnia Putri Utomo Shita Listya Dewi Clara Abou Samra, A. (n.d.). CHPM Policy Brief Center for Health Policy and Management Tackling High Consumption of Sugar Sweetened Beverages (SSB) in Indonesia TACKLING HIGH CONSUMPTION OF SUGAR SWEETENED BEVERAGES (SSB) IN INDONESIA A POLICY BRIEF.
7. CDC (September 24, 2022). About Child and Teen BMI. U.S Department of Health & Human Services. September 30, 2022
8. Pfeifer JH, Berkman ET. The Development of Self and Identity in Adolescence: Neural Evidence and Implications for a Value-Based Choice Perspective on Motivated Behavior. Child Dev Perspect. 2018;12(3):158–64.
9. Everett B, Zajacova A. Gender differences in hypertension and hypertension awareness among young adults. Biodemography Soc Biol. 2015;61(1):1–17.
11. Aulia Wicaksari S, Novita Chandra D, et al. Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Consumption and Its Association with Body Mass Index among College Students Living in Dormitory. 2021;1:33–45.
12. Gomes DR, Neto ETDS, de Oliveira DS, Salaroli LB. Characteristics associated with the consumption of in natura or minimally processed and ultra-processed foods in one Brazilian metropolitan region. Cienc e Saude Coletiva. 2023;28(2):643–56.
13. De Amicis R, Mambrini SP, Pellizzari M, Foppiani A, Bertoli S, Battezzati A, et al. Ultra-processed foods and obesity and adiposity parameters among children and adolescents: a systematic review. Eur J Nutr [Internet]. 2022;61(5):2297–311. Available from:
14. Beslay M, Srour B, Méjean C, Allès B, Fiolet T, Debras C, et al. Ultra-processed food intake in association with BMI change and risk of overweight and obesity: A prospective analysis of the French NutriNet-Santé cohort. PLoS Med. 2020;17(8):1984–5.
15. Zealand N, Guidance B. Policy brief: Options to reduce sugar sweetened beverage (SSB) consumption in New Zealand. Pac Health Dialog. 2014;20(1):98–102.
16. Hadi H, Triastanti RK, Anggraeni D, Nurwanti E, Lewis EC, Colon-Ramos U, et al. The role of the school food environment in improving the healthiness of school canteens and readiness to reopen post COVID-19 pandemic: A study conducted in Indonesia. J Public health Res. 2022;11(1).
17. Aghnia S, Setyaningsih S. Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan Gizi, Status Gizi terhadap Pola Konsumsi Fast Food dan Soft Drink pada Siswa SMKN 1 Kota Tegal. Era Klin J Penelit Ilmu Kesehat. 2023;1(1):13–8.
18. Jebeile H, Kelly AS, O’Malley G, Baur LA. Obesity in children and adolescents: epidemiology, causes, assessment, and management. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol [Internet]. 2022;10(5):351–65. Available from:
19. Kansra AR, Lakkunarajah S, Jay MS. Childhood and Adolescent Obesity: A Review. Front Pediatr. 2021;8(January):1–16.
20. De Amicis R, Mambrini SP, Pellizzari M, Foppiani A, Bertoli S, Battezzati A, et al. Ultra-processed foods and obesity and adiposity parameters among children and adolescents: a systematic review. Eur J Nutr [Internet]. 2022;61(5):2297–311. Available from:
21. Pratiwi, A. A. (2022). Association of Ultra-Processed Food Consumption and Body Mass Index for Age among Elementary Students in Surabaya. Amerta Nutrition, 6(2), 140–147.
22. CDC (April 11, 2022). Get the Facts: Sugar-Sweetened Beverages and Consumption. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. February 3, 2023.
23. Fernanda, T., Cabrera, C., Fernandes, I., Correia, L., Oliveira, D., Santos, D., Lopes Pacagnelli, F., Tereza, M., Prado, A., Dias Da Silva, T., Bandeira De Mello Monteiro, C., Gonçalves, D. C., & Fernani, L. (2014). ANALISYS OF THE PREVALENCE OF OVERWEIGHT AND OBESITY AND THE LEVEL OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS OF A SOUTHWESTERN CITY OF SÃO PAULO. In Journal of Human Growth and Development (Vol. 24, Issue 1).
24. Marchese L, Livingstone KM, Woods JL, Wingrove K, MacHado P. Ultra-processed food consumption, socio-demographics, and diet quality in Australian adults. Public Health Nutr. 2022;25(1):94–104.
25. Simões B dos S, Cardoso L de O, Benseñor IJM, Schmidt MI, Duncan BB, Luft VC, et al. O consumo de alimentos ultraprocessados e nível socioeconômico: Uma análise transversal do estudo longitudinal de Saúde do Adulto, Brasil. Cad Saude Publica. 2018;34(3):1–13.
26. Williams BD, Churilla JR. Ultra-Processed Food Intake in U.S. Adolescents: National Public Health Implications. J Adolesc Heal [Internet]. 2022;70(2):173–4. Available from:
27. Vandevijvere, S., de Ridder, K., Fiolet, T., Bel, S., & Tafforeau, J. (2019). Consumption of ultra-processed food products and diet quality among children, adolescents and adults in Belgium. European Journal of Nutrition, 58(8), 3267–3278.
28. Jones L, Ness A, Emmett P. Misreporting of Energy Intake From Food Records Completed by Adolescents: Associations With Sex, Body Image, Nutrient, and Food Group Intake. Front Nutr. 2021;8(December):1–
29. Simões B dos S, Cardoso L de O, Benseñor IJM, Schmidt MI, Duncan BB, Luft VC, et al. O consumo de alimentos ultraprocessados e nível socioeconômico: Uma análise transversal do estudo longitudinal de Saúde do Adulto, Brasil. Cad Saude Publica. 2018;34(3):1–13.
30. Lioret S, Touvier M, Balin M, Huybrechts I, Dubuisson C, Dufour A, et al. Characteristics of energy under-reporting in children and adolescents. Br J Nutr. 2011;105(11):1671–80.
2. Faisal-Cury, A., Leite, M. A., Escuder, M. M. L., Levy, R. B., & Peres, M. F. T. (2022). The relationship between ultra-processed food consumption and internalising symptoms among adolescents from São Paulo city, Southeast Brazil. Public Health Nutrition, 25(9), 2498–2506.
3. Monteiro, C. A., Cannon, G., Levy, R. B., Moubarac, J. C., Louzada, M. L. C., Rauber, F., Khandpur, N., Cediel, G., Neri, D., Martinez-Steele, E., Baraldi, L. G., & Jaime, P. C. (2019). Ultra-processed foods: What they are and how to identify them. In Public Health Nutrition (Vol. 22, Issue 5, pp. 936–941). Cambridge University Press.
4. Enes, C. C., de Camargo, C. M., & Justino, M. I. C. (2019). Ultra-processed food consumption and obesity in adolescents. Revista de Nutricao, 32.
5. UNICEF INDONESIA. (2019). Analisis Lanskap Kelebihan Berat Badan dan Obesitas di Indonesia.
6. Relmbuss Biljers Fanda Agus Salim Tri Muhartini Kurnia Putri Utomo Shita Listya Dewi Clara Abou Samra, A. (n.d.). CHPM Policy Brief Center for Health Policy and Management Tackling High Consumption of Sugar Sweetened Beverages (SSB) in Indonesia TACKLING HIGH CONSUMPTION OF SUGAR SWEETENED BEVERAGES (SSB) IN INDONESIA A POLICY BRIEF.
7. CDC (September 24, 2022). About Child and Teen BMI. U.S Department of Health & Human Services. September 30, 2022
8. Pfeifer JH, Berkman ET. The Development of Self and Identity in Adolescence: Neural Evidence and Implications for a Value-Based Choice Perspective on Motivated Behavior. Child Dev Perspect. 2018;12(3):158–64.
9. Everett B, Zajacova A. Gender differences in hypertension and hypertension awareness among young adults. Biodemography Soc Biol. 2015;61(1):1–17.
11. Aulia Wicaksari S, Novita Chandra D, et al. Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Consumption and Its Association with Body Mass Index among College Students Living in Dormitory. 2021;1:33–45.
12. Gomes DR, Neto ETDS, de Oliveira DS, Salaroli LB. Characteristics associated with the consumption of in natura or minimally processed and ultra-processed foods in one Brazilian metropolitan region. Cienc e Saude Coletiva. 2023;28(2):643–56.
13. De Amicis R, Mambrini SP, Pellizzari M, Foppiani A, Bertoli S, Battezzati A, et al. Ultra-processed foods and obesity and adiposity parameters among children and adolescents: a systematic review. Eur J Nutr [Internet]. 2022;61(5):2297–311. Available from:
14. Beslay M, Srour B, Méjean C, Allès B, Fiolet T, Debras C, et al. Ultra-processed food intake in association with BMI change and risk of overweight and obesity: A prospective analysis of the French NutriNet-Santé cohort. PLoS Med. 2020;17(8):1984–5.
15. Zealand N, Guidance B. Policy brief: Options to reduce sugar sweetened beverage (SSB) consumption in New Zealand. Pac Health Dialog. 2014;20(1):98–102.
16. Hadi H, Triastanti RK, Anggraeni D, Nurwanti E, Lewis EC, Colon-Ramos U, et al. The role of the school food environment in improving the healthiness of school canteens and readiness to reopen post COVID-19 pandemic: A study conducted in Indonesia. J Public health Res. 2022;11(1).
17. Aghnia S, Setyaningsih S. Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan Gizi, Status Gizi terhadap Pola Konsumsi Fast Food dan Soft Drink pada Siswa SMKN 1 Kota Tegal. Era Klin J Penelit Ilmu Kesehat. 2023;1(1):13–8.
18. Jebeile H, Kelly AS, O’Malley G, Baur LA. Obesity in children and adolescents: epidemiology, causes, assessment, and management. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol [Internet]. 2022;10(5):351–65. Available from:
19. Kansra AR, Lakkunarajah S, Jay MS. Childhood and Adolescent Obesity: A Review. Front Pediatr. 2021;8(January):1–16.
20. De Amicis R, Mambrini SP, Pellizzari M, Foppiani A, Bertoli S, Battezzati A, et al. Ultra-processed foods and obesity and adiposity parameters among children and adolescents: a systematic review. Eur J Nutr [Internet]. 2022;61(5):2297–311. Available from:
21. Pratiwi, A. A. (2022). Association of Ultra-Processed Food Consumption and Body Mass Index for Age among Elementary Students in Surabaya. Amerta Nutrition, 6(2), 140–147.
22. CDC (April 11, 2022). Get the Facts: Sugar-Sweetened Beverages and Consumption. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. February 3, 2023.
23. Fernanda, T., Cabrera, C., Fernandes, I., Correia, L., Oliveira, D., Santos, D., Lopes Pacagnelli, F., Tereza, M., Prado, A., Dias Da Silva, T., Bandeira De Mello Monteiro, C., Gonçalves, D. C., & Fernani, L. (2014). ANALISYS OF THE PREVALENCE OF OVERWEIGHT AND OBESITY AND THE LEVEL OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS OF A SOUTHWESTERN CITY OF SÃO PAULO. In Journal of Human Growth and Development (Vol. 24, Issue 1).
24. Marchese L, Livingstone KM, Woods JL, Wingrove K, MacHado P. Ultra-processed food consumption, socio-demographics, and diet quality in Australian adults. Public Health Nutr. 2022;25(1):94–104.
25. Simões B dos S, Cardoso L de O, Benseñor IJM, Schmidt MI, Duncan BB, Luft VC, et al. O consumo de alimentos ultraprocessados e nível socioeconômico: Uma análise transversal do estudo longitudinal de Saúde do Adulto, Brasil. Cad Saude Publica. 2018;34(3):1–13.
26. Williams BD, Churilla JR. Ultra-Processed Food Intake in U.S. Adolescents: National Public Health Implications. J Adolesc Heal [Internet]. 2022;70(2):173–4. Available from:
27. Vandevijvere, S., de Ridder, K., Fiolet, T., Bel, S., & Tafforeau, J. (2019). Consumption of ultra-processed food products and diet quality among children, adolescents and adults in Belgium. European Journal of Nutrition, 58(8), 3267–3278.
28. Jones L, Ness A, Emmett P. Misreporting of Energy Intake From Food Records Completed by Adolescents: Associations With Sex, Body Image, Nutrient, and Food Group Intake. Front Nutr. 2021;8(December):1–
29. Simões B dos S, Cardoso L de O, Benseñor IJM, Schmidt MI, Duncan BB, Luft VC, et al. O consumo de alimentos ultraprocessados e nível socioeconômico: Uma análise transversal do estudo longitudinal de Saúde do Adulto, Brasil. Cad Saude Publica. 2018;34(3):1–13.
30. Lioret S, Touvier M, Balin M, Huybrechts I, Dubuisson C, Dufour A, et al. Characteristics of energy under-reporting in children and adolescents. Br J Nutr. 2011;105(11):1671–80.
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